Thursday, May 19, 2011

End Of The Year

Oh my goodness.  I, for one, am so happy this school year is drawing to a close.
It's been a year of.....hmm....a year of....ummmm.....
Let's just say it's been a year and now it is over and we can ALL sleep in a little bit.

Plus I don't have to make lunches at 6:30am for a few weeks!
Yea Mom!

My oldest is finishing 6th grade, so she is calling herself a 7th grader now.

My youngest is a rising kindergartner.

My middle is a rising 3rd grader and it is her teacher I'm writing this post about.

We love Mrs. H.  We love love love her and in trying to figure out what to do to show our appreciation for her hard work and love for my daughter this year, I really racked my brain.  No apples or book bags or coffee mugs.  Nope.  I had to think outside the box.  Thank you, Alexis from Jac-O-Lyn Murphy, for being my creative inspiration!

I think I've come up with something pretty good.  Maybe even great.

I got some gift cards together and threw in a few dollars of my own and bought a digital picture frame!

I've emailed our parents and asked them to email me a picture of their child.  I'll upload the pictures onto the frame and VOILA!  Slide show of her kids from this year!

The best part is that one of our parents has pictures of Mrs. H's parents and I'm uploading those as well.  Later she will also be able to upload pictures of her own onto the frame and she'll have a slide show of pictures of people who love her.

Thank you, Mrs. H!  You've made this year picture perfect!


  1. Love Love Love it! Mrs. H will be over the moon. Great job Stacy

  2. Very clever idea! My kids don't get out until June 17th...too many snow days this year ):
